Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week of Miracles!!

Hola mi familia!

This week has literally been a week of miracles. I don't understand what we have been doing to deserve it, but whatever it is we will keep it up! The Lord is amazing and He is blessing us so much! I can't deny His existence at all!

Miracle 1:
Last Thursday we met with a less active referral from the elders. Her name is Dori. She is AMAZING!  She was baptized when she was eight, then went inactive at age 17.  She is now about 38.  In 2004, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It left and came back six times, and in the process she had a double mastectomy.  She was then cancer free for 5 years.  It now has come back as stage four terminal cancer.  Last year she was given three weeks to live!  In this past year her cancer has spread all down to her abdomen, and the tumors have developed a disease of some kind that makes them produce water.  Because of this, your system becomes flushed with water- your body swells and eventually your organs basically drown and you die.  She looked like she was about 9 months pregnant.  And then her miracle happened.  Her mom is incredible and EXTREMELY active in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  She is awesome and taught her kids in the Gospel and especially at this time has been pushing her daughter to pray and find The Lord again.  As the cancer became worse, Dori started to turn towards God a little bit.  She started to remember The Lord.  Her mom and her began praying intensely.  She said they would pray for hours just pleading. Two Sundays ago she came to church for the first time in 23 years!  The Tuesday after, she received a miracle.  She woke up with a six pack! Essentially ALL the water had left her body.  She went to the doctor that day and they just hugged her and rejoiced.  This has NEVER happened before!! (At least this doctor had never seen or heard of it happening).  It truly was a God given miracle.  She has completely devoted her life to serving Him.  I wish I could properly explain the light that was in her eyes.  it was beautiful.  She told us repeatedly that she never will leave this church again.  She knows the way, and she just wants to share her story with everyone.  She wants to go to the temple now to receive her endowment, and we are going to teach her to get her there.  She is a God send.  She knows who she is and Whose she is.  She used to be a model, and in connection with that, she has been working on an inspirational TV show about how she has dealt with cancer.  She told us that the costume people had outfits picked out for her, but that she is going to have to talk to them because of the turn-around in her values. She is an advocate for modesty now! I was amazed.  I cannot wait for her to go to the temple.  She is such an amazing example to me of dignity, divine worth, and growth, knowledge, goals, and especially faith.  She is going to be an AMAZING OUTSTANDING example for YW everywhere.  She is giving up the modeling life for God…..the world for God.  She has modeled for Michael Kors, and other amazing artists, has her own makeup lines, has modeled at fashion week, done the whole red carpet scenes, has her own spread and video in cover girl, etc.  BUT she left it. This is the most amazing thing about her: she told us that all she wants is for people to know and understand that "THE WAY OF THE WORLD OFFERS US NOTHING. IT IS EMPTY."  Imagine the example she will be! The light she will share! YW everywhere can see how amazing it is to give up everything the world has to offer, and follow Christ! They could understand from an amazing woman how to be modest and how to respect yourself!  I LOVE IT.  I LOVE HER.  I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father is allowing me to be part of her life at this time.

Miracle 2: This last week we have found 7 new investigators.  SEVEN!

Miracle 3: The most lessons I have taught in one week was 10. We have had between 1-7 lessons per week for over a month now. This week we had 14! On Monday we set a goal of getting 2 other lessons taught (lessons to investigators). At 8 at night, we had time to basically knock one more door.  We went to an address of a former investigator…knocked...and the door swung open. We taught one more lesson to this former investigator who told us all she wants to do is get baptized. WHAT?!?

Miracle 4: After doing Tours of the chapel yesterday, my iPad went missing.  Legit missing!  We were all convinced it was stolen!  Later that night, during our lesson, we get a call from some elders in our zone. THEY FOUND MY IPAD IN THEIR BACKPACK. I don't even think they were at the church yesterday!!!

We have had millions of other tiny miracles too! God loves us, you guys.  When we follow His instructions and are obedient, miracles happen.  He is our Father after all, and all He wants is our happiness.  I know He lives, and I love Him.  I know I am doing His work here on the earth, and I love it. He truly cares for His children, and I pray that as we feel His love and see His love in our lives, that we will SHARE it!

I would love to hear about the miracles you have seen in your life!  You can email them to me, put them on my Facebook, or comment here on the blog! Tell me how you have felt God's love and how you have gained a testimony that He is your Father!


Hermana Dodson

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