Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wanna Hear a Funny Story?

Sadie made it to Mexico safely, and was able to email us when she arrived at the MTC!

Hola mi familia!!

I made it to Mexico safely, and so did all my baggage! Yay!! Thanks for the prayers. :)

Anyways, Mexico City is beautiful.  The buildings are all stacked up on each other and rainbow colored.  I like it already.  I will definitely be doing some drawing based on the scenery.  The weather is great.  When we got here it was slightly cold and not nearly as humid as I expected!

I GOT MY TAG!! I will send pictures on P day, whenever that is. Every time I look down at it I get a little giddy.  I think my friend Emily Livingston from Lindon is going to my companion!! Yippee! We met up at the airport (after I met Todd! That was so great, but kinda stunk because I couldn't hug him.  But still, it definitely made me smile to get to talk to him.)  Emily and I basically stuck together all plane rides and bus rides, and I have already come to love her more.  Traveling with me was about 9 (ish) sisters and 12 (ish) elders? I can't count right now.  Haha. 

If there are typos, I'm sorry! Spanish keyboards are a little difficult.

YOU WANNA HEAR A FUNNY STORY?  It hasn't even been one full day and I am already up to my usual awkward shenanigans.  Are we surprised? No. Was I expecting more of myself? Possibly... Haha.  Anyways, our story begins on the airplane.  Yes, it happened before I even reached Mexico.  First flight was great.  I sat in the 1st row, so I had plenty of leg room. (That was irrelevant to the story, but still info you might have liked to know.)  I drank my water bottle, ate my sandwich, wrote thank you's, took some naps, and drank out of my water bottle more.  It was great.  Anyways, the next flight, I get thirsty.  So I open my water bottle to get a drink.  I think the pressure in this cabin must have been cranked to it's max because when I pushed the button on my spill-proof Contigo cup, a stream of water literally came shooting out of the straw.  It was like my own mini drinking fountain, except with no bowl to catch the water, only me... The water sprayed all over me, the back of the seat in front of me, the window, the seat next to me (which luckily no one was sitting in), and the back of the head of the guy sitting in front of me. (Who I'm sure didn't speak a lick of english.)  But his getting wet was partially his fault, since he leaned his seat all the way back, thus putting himself within firing range.  After being on an airplane for a total of 5 1/2 hours, my reflexes were shot and the water kept spewing until I finally got control on the situation.  By this time, the window was so wet you couldn't see anything out of it.  It looked like it had been ran through a car wash.  But I cleaned it up, don't worry.  Hahaha.  I shouted a couple "I'm sorry's" at the man in front of me, but I think my english just bounced right off him... oops.  So I guess technically I did get a little soggy today, just not from tears. ;)

Anyways, I love you all.  Today was definitely sad for me, but it is unreal that I am here! I am excited to get going.  Also I am excited to eat.  I haven't eaten since 11 since my sandwich got all soggy in the incident... Haha.  Hope you didn't cry too hard and you actually got things done today. ;)

Love you!

Hermana Dodson

p.s. we're having pizza for dinner.  AMERICAN FOOD. Or Italian?? Who knows...

p.p.s. Airplane rides are no bueno when you can't  watch a movie or listen to music and they are four hours long.  And when you have two of them, yeah, it's no bueno.  Haha.

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