Friday, May 9, 2014


Sorry, the blog posters were on vacation last week.

April 30, 2014

Hola mi familia!!

This week has been a CRAZY one!! We have had a lot of miracles happen, and the work is really catching fire.  I guess President's talk about faith last week really boosted us, and now as we've been relying more on the Lord's abilities, He is really making amazing things happen.

Anyway, here is my top 7 from the week!

7. We FINALLY were able to meet with Janet again!  Turns out she hasn't been avoiding us specifically, but she has been really stressed and depressed and hasn't wanted to talk to anybody.  We found her in the park and were able to teach her and her three sisters an awesome lesson about prayer and fasting.  Hopefully she can find the strength to let us in, because we share the only message that can truly heal and strengthen her!

6. We met with a less active who hasn't been visited in years!  We had an amazing lesson that the Spirit definitely led.  We taught the Restoration, and in the end she told us she felt just like Joseph Smith--she has no idea what the truth is and is completely confused about which church to go to. We felt so blessed that Heavenly Father helped us find and understand her needs!

5. Today is transfers!! Tirado and I are staying!! And thank goodness, because our area is blowing up, and we just have tons of fun all the time.

4. One of the sisters in our district, Sister Hansen, is leaving :( BUT GUESS WHO IS COMING IN??!  Sister Livingston!!!!!! (Sadie's MTC companion)  I am so excited!!

3. Monday was Hermana Tirado's birthday! I made her a waffle cake for breakfast, then we went to lunch and dinner at members' houses, who are both Mexican. It was delicious and felt like home for her. We basically only celebrated with food... Haha. We were also able to teach Wendi, Sandra's 17-year-old daughter, who is AMAZING.

2. WE MET A DOMINICAN FAMILY!!!! Oh man, I miss Dominicans. The mom is a less active, (referred to us by the ward) who hasn't been to church in probably 20+ years.  The 3 kids are between the ages of 8-14, and are not members.  The mom has decided that she wants to take her kids to different churches and let them learn and then choose for themselves what is right.  We are so excited to be able to teach this family! I know that if they put their hearts into it, they will feel the Spirit testify of the truth of our message.

1.  On Sunday we had the amazing opportunity to go with about 6 priesthood holders from our ward to go bless and dedicate the home of our investigator, Sandra.  The Spirit was so strong as our Elder's quorum president testified of the protection and peace that comes from a home built upon the Savior.  I felt so overwhelmed with love and gratitude to have grown up in a home where faith is a key factor, and where the Savior and His teachings are also taught and lived.  I LOVE this family!! They have been so prepared to receive the Restored Gospel.

I am so excited for this next cycle. By the grace of a God, He has helped us to know the specific needs of almost everybody we are teaching. I know this is The Lord's work. It softens hearts and changes lives for the better.

Love you all,

Sister Dodson

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