Sunday, June 15, 2014

New comp!

Hola mi familia!

One more cycle down, lots more to go! (Woohoo!)  This past cycle Sister Tirado and I must have done something right, since she was called as Sister Training Leader (STL) and I have been called to train again!  I am sol excited to train again!  Last time, with my first baby, I learned TONS and grew just as much.  It will be awesome to see where we end up this time : )

Sadie's New "Baby" companion: Hermana Vicino
My new baby, Sister Vicino, is AWESOME.  She is from Los Angeles and Arizona, is 22, graduated from ASU in English, and wants to get her masters in British Lit. (Sounds just like all my friends... weiiiird).  Anyway, here is the real kick in the pants, SHE IS A NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKER.  Her mom is from Honduras and her dad is from Uraguay!  Seriously, President has got to be trying to kick my Dominican accent in the pants or something.  But it's kind of engrained in me now, so yeah... Not going to happen.

Wendy, Blisleidy & Jasmine who we love!
This week we had the chance to work with a lot of families.  That has been the focus lately, and it has been incredible!  We had the chance to visit with the Martinez family, an active member family who were baptized a bit ago (the wife 3 years ago, and the husband 7).  They have a one little old chubster who is DANG cute.  A few weeks ago we were with them and asked about their conversion and so forth.  I asked if they had been to the temple, to which he replied that he had just barely gotten his endowment, and she had done baptisms once.  I asked if they had a goal to be sealed in the temple, and the conversation just died.  We decided to focus on the temple with them. So this week we went and talked about the family.  The Spirit was incredibly strong as we testified of being an eternal family and the blessings that come from loving and working with one another.  I was almost in tears testifying that my family is eternal.  I could not be more grateful for that powerful blessing.  No matter what happens in this life, I know that my family cannot be split up (as long as we live according to our covenants.)  Death, especially, has no weight when the family recognizes it's own eternal value.  After our lesson, I went to the bathroom and the husband left to put the baby to bed. When he came back, Sister Martinez looks at him and says, "Ya nos motivaron a irons al temple." (You have motivated us to go to the temple). I was almost in tears hearing this.  We are now working with them and with the Elders to get them to the temple!!!! What am amazing miracle!!

Sister Missionaries serving in the Stake having some fun.
We have also started to help Jorge's family with Family Home Evenings!! Mom, we have been using the FHE lessons you sent me, and they have been a hit! Next week we're playing Don't Eat Pete ; )  But the Spirit has been incredible at these FHEs.  We taught them about how to do them, and mentioned that to end a lesson, you finish with your testimony.  They interpreted this to mean that EVERYBODY ends with their testimony, and the effect has been so powerful! It is a treat for the kids to hear the testimonies of their parents, SO STRONG.  I love it.  Those testimonies are going to sink into the hearts of their children and change their lives.  I know it.

Tirado found this and said it was me... Hahahahaha.  It's so sad how true it is.
I love you all!!


Sister Dodson

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