Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Last Week + This Week

We are combining two blog posts in one this week, just FYI!

June 18
Hola mi familia!!

Another great week here in Norwalk, CT!  I'm not going to lie, this week was a LONG one, but it was fantastic.  It definitely took me back to my first weeks as a missionary.  CRAZY.

As far as the work is going, we are kicking butt here.  We are working incredibly hard and having faith and just focusing on working with people to make covenants!

For Sister Vicino's first lesson ever we went and saw the Torres girls, and we had a ROCKIN lesson.  Jasmin said that after the baptism of the family (from a few weeks ago) she knew she wanted to be baptized, and Wendi told us that she was almost crying because she felt so different.  We are praying hard that they will be ready to be baptized at the end of the month! Wendi says she doesn't know if she has an answer yet, but she definitely does.  She just doesn't realize it yet. So hopefully with their parents' permission, in two weeks the Torres girls will be the newest members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!!  I love those girls so much and can't wait for what blessings are going to come to them.

This week the elders passed us an investigator, Ana, who is 16-years-old.  We went over to her house to meet her and had an INCREDIBLE lesson.  She is one of the strongest people I have ever met.  She has been refined and prepared and endured a lot, and now is the time that she can accept the Restored Gospel and find everlasting peace and happiness.  We were bawling like babies when she told us her life story (at least Ana and I were... Haha.  WHAT DID THE MISSION DO TO ME??!!) She said that she has been asking that somebody would come by that she could talk to and express how she really feels and what has really been happening in her life.  She told us that she knew we were those people.  We testified to her that we were guided to her by a loving Heavenly Father.  The Spirit was outstandingly strong, and I know that she will accept the gospel SUUUPER soon.  She has a heart of gold and as the elders told us, "eats up the lessons."

Saturday was a super eventful day!! We started off the morning with Jorge's baptism!!! It was a really special experience and I am so grateful I could be part of it.  That family will be so blessed for the baptism of their son. I Love love love this family!! I was hoping that we would have a Lego cake to celebrate, but we just had pizza instead. I can deal with that ; )  Hermana Tirado also came back for the baptism and so we were all happy for that.  Later that night we had the ward Father's Day party, and somehow we got roped into doing a performance since the elders performed for Mother's Day.  We had planned to do a traditional Mexican dance with these SUUUUPER flowy skirts, but Tirado left and we had no idea how to do it at all.  We kind of made up our dance last minute, but the ward was laughing and it was a success.  I'll attach the video... Just remember that it was made last minute... so yeah. Hahaha. 

Love you all! The Church is true, and as we make and keep our covenants, we will be come closer to God.  No matter what sacrifice we have to make, we shouldn't worry about what will happen if we choose to follow God.  He knows us and knows our hearts, and everything will work out for the good.  Always, 100% of the time.
Hermana Dodson

June 25
Hola mi familia!

There is really not much time to write today... We had a crazy amazing pday at the temple. We are so blessed to be able to partake in and receive these blessings that come from The Lord through the temple. It especially was a blessing to see my sweet grandparents (and participate as they led the session), as well as Dorivee and her sweet sweet mother in the temple.  I may have even cried thinking of the beauty of eternal families….dang the crying!

We are working with many people on family history and it has been so much fun! There is a special spirit that comes as we help to redeem our ancestors. There is also a special spirit just as we research and learn more about those who have helped shaped our lives. Each person has a story and we can learn from them.

Love you all! 
The church is true,

Sister Dodson

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