Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Grand Central Station

Hola mi familia!

I am writing you this letter on the way to Grand Central Station. Dreams are coming true! I love New York! We had another incredible week here in White Plains, which was the perfect way to kick off my last six months! It is crazy that a year has already passed by. Time goes by waaay too fast.

Hermana Dodson demonstrates how the Whisper Corner at Grand Central Station works!

Sadie's Grand Central Station Tour

Sunday morning while doing my studies, I found a talk by Elder Christofferson called Born Again (see it here https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2008/04/born-again?lang=eng). I didn't really feel like my studies had a lot of direction that day, so I decided since Elder Christofferson is one of my favorites, I met as well read it. Turns out, it was his first talk right after being called to be an apostle. I LOVED his first couple paragraphs. "I plead with my Heavenly Father to sustain me as He ever has that I might measure up to something that is far beyond my native capacity and be able to focus outwardly, losing myself in your service. I trust in Him, and I know that His grace is sufficient, and so I here unreservedly commit all that I have and am to God and His Beloved Son. I also commit myself, my loyalty, my service, and my love to the First Presidency and to my Brethren of Twelve.” 

I felt the Holy Ghost tell me that I need to follow his example.  It is time to become fully invested again in missionary work, and recommit myself to this work!  What better time than at my year mark? I am here as a full-time servant of The Lord, and it is my responsibility to be that servant and be the change that He needs me to be.  I finished studies with this idea, but without clarity on what this recommitment means, but as I have worked throughout the week, I have found a clearer direction of where The Lord wants me to go.

Also on Sunday, the missionaries got roped into doing a musical number!  Sister Jensen played the violin, which left me with the two elders to sing... It's a good thing their voices could drown me out.. Haha.  Sister Jensen then gave a rockin talk about leadership, which blew my mind.  She spoke of some of the examples of good leaders in her life, and the spirit was strong as she testified of their influence. It made me think on all the leaders I have had and their influence on me, and thought about how grateful I am for them. I know that I am here serving a mission not just because of the great example and love of my parents, but also because of all my young women's leaders, primary teachers, bishops, friends, etc. who have guided me throughout my life. God always blesses us with the people we need, and my heart truly is full of gratitude for those people that He put in my life.

On the more awkward funny side, on Monday we were invited to eat a late lunch with one of our incredible members, Gladys. She is Dominican and absolutely hilarious. She invites us to eat about once a month, and cooks enough food to feed all four of us for the WHOLE month. She makes loads of food! After hearing horror stories from Sister Jensen about having to eat 3 pounds of her food and then take home another 6 pounds, I was super excited and a little terrified to go.  Haha. So we decided to invite some other missionaries to help attack the food mountain, and there ended up being 8 of us instead of the expected 4... This was a  little surprising for Gladys, but her heart is so big she was excited to have so many missionaries.  We invited Elder Johanson and his baby (brand new missionary), and the Portugese elders. We ate mongu (mashed plantanos, kind of like mashed potatoes), and it was HILARIOUS to see the faces of Elder Johanson and Elder Burton.  It probably din’t help that Gladys gave all the Elders her shirts and had them wear them backwards as a bib (so as to protect their white shirts) Hahahaha. I don’t think they’ve ever eaten food like that, or even that amount of food. We were able to finish almost all the food Gladys cooked—can you imagine if only us four had gone... Uh... Haha.  And Gladys was super happy in the end that we ate so much, even though she did get sassy at Elder Johanson at one point for not being able to finish the food on his plate. Haha.

I am loving being on my mission, and could not ask for any better way to have spent the last year .  I am excited to see what miracles come in the next six months!

Love you all,

Sister Dodson

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