Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Biking in Central Park

Hola mi familia!

This has been an awesome start to an incredible cycle! It really is such a blessing to be with Sister Jensen! God knows what He is doing. Haha. We have had so much fun and laughed a ton about our moms freaking out about us being companions.

I am in LOVE with this area! It feels like the Bronx but a little less sketchy. I think I am bound to serve in the ghetto my whole mission, so it is a good thing I love it. Haha. We have a tiny branch- last week there were about 40 members who came. Our area is huge and there is tons of potential. Last week we found 4 new investigators! My goal is to make this branch a ward ;)

We have a couple really promising investigators and we also work with a lot of Inactives. One of my FAVORITE people we teach is an investigator named Marielos. She is the biggest sweetheart ever. She has two little boys who are crazy! Diego is 5 and Anthony is 7. Diego's favorite song is the Happy song ("cause I'm happy, clap along") and he constantly has it on repeat. Marielos is incredible and totally ready for baptism. She knows the Church is true and honestly would be baptized tomorrow, but she is not married to the father of her kids, even though they have been together for about 10 years. He is totally against marriage, and so we just keep praying and working so that a miracle will happen!

This not being married thing is actually a common problem for most everybody here- investigators and less actives. I am so excited to get teaching here and I pray that the Spirit will work through me and Sister Jensen to help others understand the sanctity and blessing that marriage is. We had a lot of miracles this past week where people told us they were ready to change and come back to church, or change and progress. Through the grace of God we figured out a lot of people's needs and now are just ready to work away!!

Here is something mom will like- we have this incredible less active who works at a French bakery! Sometimes it's easier to just stop by and talk to her there, and sometimes she gives us free baked goods :) mmmm. Baked goods.  Her sister is super active and is one of my favorite members here.  She is only 20 years old, but has an incredible testimony of the gospel and LOVES everybody. You can feel it when you talk to her. I love this place!

Funny story- my Dominican accent was fading up in Connecticut because there are no Dominicans, and because Sister Vicino's accent was so strong it made mine go away :( BUT here in White Plains there are TONS of Dominicans (and Mexicans! We get Mexican food almost every day. Mmm. Mexican food.) The first time we talked to a Dominican it all came right back and all the sudden I was speaking like I had just come from Santo Domingo. Hahaha. Needless to say, my talk on sacrament meeting was in fluent Dominican... Hahaha. I definitely get sass from the members...

I know this Church is true and I feel so blessed to be where I am doing what I am doing! I feel the Spirit testify to me everyday of the security and inspiration of my calling.

Love you all!
Sister Dodson

P.s. Today we are fulfilling one of my life long dreams: WE'RE GOING BIKING IN CENTRAL PARKKKKKK!!! I'm freaking out.

A Sisters Selfie!  Hermana Dodson, Hermana Jensen, Hermana Wankier, Hermana Sorensen

Hermana Jensen in Central Park!
I'm loving this cycle with Hermana Jensen!  What a treat to be comp's with a dear friend from home!

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