Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Why You Should Always Delete Awkward Selfies...

Hola familia!!

Yet another week down at the CCM! Less than three left.  I am so pumped.  Spanish is still coming along great.  I am able to speak a lot more, and understand even more.  I love it. 

Emmy's description of Face Off seriously cracked me up.  HAHAHA.  I miss that show.  And her.  I was showing everybody in my district my art in my photo album, and then of course they started looking through everything.  They were laughing so hard at the pictures I have of Emmy... mostly just the pirate one from the cruise though.  Hahaha.  Everybody loves a good beard. 
This week I have learned a lot about how quickly we can receive revelation from the Spirit, and how direct and amazing it can be.  One of my teachers always encourages us to pray and ask specific questions to the Lord.  I have been doing that a lot lately, and am truly blown away by the Spirit.  Words and thoughts flow to my mind.  Doing this frequently has also taught me soooo much about the Lord and how to listen.  I haven definitely improved my listening skills, especially in spanish, and in the "Language of Love" (which is what President Utchdorf tells us the Spirit speaks).  Being a missionary and being blessed with an enhanced attachment of the Spirit is helping me to become such a better person and a better teacher.  The other day before a lesson with our investigator Renato (who is Hermano Hardy again...haha)  we felt like we should prepare a lesson on repentance.  We did, and before we stepped into his "home" it felt sooo right.  But once we started talking with Renato, we put on our Spanish Ears and tried to understand what was going on in his life.  He told us about how he didn't know much about faith, and it became so clear that our lesson on repentance was no longer right.  We listened to Renato and tried to understand as much as we could about him as an investigator.  We also listened to the Spirit A TON.  I only had my Spanish scriptures on me, and since they aren't nearly as marked up as my English ones, I was frantically trying to find a verse that I could teach Renato.  But the language barrier made it a little difficult.... The Spirit led me to a scripture mastery, and we were definitely able to go off of that.  We pray Renato's faith grows as we begin to teach him about repentance next time... Haha.

Funny story of the week.  This one is really bad.  Like really embarrassing bad.  So I had this deal with Kendall that we would send each other awful awkward selfies.  Last week I sent her this terrible one of my face.  It's truly spectacular.  Anyways, missionaries here in the CCM love to abuse the time we use on the computers for language training by restoring all the photos that people send to their families out of the recycle bin, and then staring at them for an hour.  I think it's a way to cope with Facebook stalking withdrawls.  Anyways, if you have put together the pieces and are cringing, you should probably stop reading the story by now.  If not, I will fill you in.  On Tuesday, my elders call me in to look at this hilarious picture they found on the computer.  I'm all excited.  Like super excited.  Because we have definitley found some winning pictures here.  Anyways, I run in to the computer lab.  I looked at the new desktop background, only to be staring at my ugly hideous embarrassing selfie blown up.  I almost peed my skirt.  All the elders are rolling on the ground laughing.  Apparently they had already showed like everyone in the CCM.  And if not,  my picture had been on that computer for almost a week by then, so the whole CCM had alread found it by themselves anyways.  So, warning: always, ALWAYS delete awkward selfies.  And all pictures in general.  Amen.
Anyways, I am loving the work! It is hard, but es vale la pena!!

Todos mi amor,

Hermana Dodson

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