Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chalking up New York

Hello family!

First off, THANK YOU for the packages!! We are pumped for Christmas!!
We have been listening to Christmas music from the day I got here...

You saw on Facebook already, and I am probably going to put some
pictures up later, but we did a chalk finding activity! It was so much
fun, and we are hoping that we get a whole bunch of new investigators
from it! If you want to see more pictures, go to

Last week we had 5 dinner appointments!! Bet you didn't believe that
would happen, right?? Anyway, one of the nights we go to sister's
house, who is Mexican. She says that we are going to have mondongo...
If you don't want to run that word through google translate, it is cow
intestine! We had it in a soup. It was so scary. Imagine a big chunk
of chicken skin. I tried to chew it, but after two attempts, nothing
happened to it at all, so I just let it slide down my throat solid.
Luckily it was in a really delicious soup, so that helped. I had about
five six bites, then called it good. Hermana Lancaster went for one
bite and then almost threw it up. I was laughing so hard at the whole

I attended my first convert baptism this week! It was so beautiful.
And it was awesome because I helped teach this new member twice. I
felt the spirit so strongly during the baptism. Truly it is an
ordinance of Godliness.

Happy birthday to Emmy!! It was weird to miss it... But I hope it was amazing.
Also I found five dollars on the street! That was awesome.

We are learning about coming to know God.  As our Father, it is so
important that we know Him. Really know who He is as a person. We are
finding that many people simply lack the drive to live the gospel to
its fullest extent.  They are lazy, they are scared, they care more
about the world and people than God. I think that is because they
don't truly understand who He is. If people realized not only how
powerful our Father is, but also how loving He is, the concerns and
cares of the world will naturally fall away.  The measure of what we
do is determined by WHO matters the most. I believe that as people
come to understand who He is, how He works, etc. they will gain love
for Him, since He loves us. As we gain love, we will naturally want to
do the things that please Him. Genetically, we are half his, since we
are His Spirit children. We have inherited His love of good, His
natural inclination to learn more and to do more in faith. As we come
to know Him, we will come to realize who we truly are, and will
naturally do the things that make us like our Father.

In John 17:3 we learn that "this is life eternal, that they might know
thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent."
Spanish reveals the true meaning of this verse. There are two verbs in
Spanish that mean "to know". Saber and conocer. Saber means to know
facts, conocer means to know or be familiar with something or someone.
For example, yo sé a Ruth es mi madre- meaning I know who she is as that
lady that raised me. Yo sé que la Iglesia es verdadera. That is a
fact. Also yo conozco a Ruth, mi madre. Meaning that I know my mother,
I am familiar with her. We are friends. In past tense, conocer also
means to have met someone. So when I say yo conocì a Ruth, it means
more like I have met her- I know her. I hope that makes sense...
Anyways, in Spanish, Juan 17:3 dice, "Y ésta es la vida eterna: que te
conozcan a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a Jesucristo, a quien has
enviado." Notice which version of the verb "to know" was used?
Conocer! Not saber.  Life eternal is not knowing about God, but
knowing God as a person, as our Padre!

Love you all! Don't forget to pray and have an amazing thanksgiving!!



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Stake Conference in the Bronx!

Hola mi familia!

Due to popular demand, I am now writing a weekly family email.  This week was super fast.  It was also pretty crazy.  We had stake conference and it was MIND BLOWINGLY good.  The theme was the temple, which was the perfect kick off for me to post my picture of the temple!  Conference was truly inspiring.  Our stake president talked about ridding yourself of all corrupting influences.  We focused on Moroni 10:32 (my mission scripture!!) and how it says to rid yourself of ALL ungodliness.  It was amazing.  He called everybody to repentance about getting to the temple as often as possible.  Not only is that the place that will lift us up above the world for the rest of our week, but it is also the place where we become partners with the Savior in saving souls.  How amazing is that?!  We are truly fulfilling our purposes as members of the Church and God's children as we make an effort to go to the temple.  

Sadie's newest piece: "The Spirit of God"
He also talked about keeping the sacred things of the temple sacred.  He also told us that modesty goes FAR BEYOND clothing.  It is about being careful and highly upholding the sacredness of the body.  The best quote from conference: "Many of you have heard it said that 'Modest is hottest.' NO.  Modest is Godliness."  I LOVE THAT!  Modesty is how we show that we are godly- that we want to be gods.  Do you think that in the eternities when we have earned the right to become gods and goddesses and our own worlds that we will be sitting there in hot shorts and bikini tops?  The last quote I loved from conference: "It is okay to be sad, depressed, ridiculed, stressed, etc.  But it is NEVER okay to be UNGODLY."  

Sunday night we had a fireside from Elder Nielsen, who was the one at General Conference who spoke about exclamation points.  He talked to us about how important it is to focus on the basics.  he told us about when he was called as a stake president, and had no idea what to do.  He went to the temple and oddly enough instead of feeling inspired to direct his stake members about going to the temple or focusing on missionary work, etc. He felt inspired to learn himself the Articles of Faith, and then to apply them.  He found that during his time as Stake President he was asked sooo many questions and put in so many situations where the Articles of Faith were relevant.  Such as the time President Hinckley was on 60 minutes, etc.  He had a friend grill him about the gospel, and he was able to answer every single accusation with an Article of Faith.  It reminded me of how I was prompted in the MTC to memorize the Articles of Faith in spanish.  I have yet to have huge opportunities to use them, but I am ready for when the happen!  I have felt the power of the Articles of Faith though.  They were inspired by our prophet, Joseph Smith, in a time where people had no idea what the gospel was about.  Even now, people don't know that much about the gospel, and the Articles of Faith still stand pure and true.  I love that.

Anyway conference was awesome. I loved it. It was a huge blessing to hear from a general authority, from a fantastic stake presidency, and also from President and Sister Morgan.
Also we received iPads this week! Currently I am typing on my iPad! It is awesome! We are doing The Lord work so differently now and I love that. It is an incredible blessing.  We are the ninth mission in the world to be receiving them, so we are definitely the guinea pigs. So it will be exciting to see how they progress!

This week we will be doing (hopefully) a chalk finding activity!  The zone leaders asked for us to think of ideas, and then two days ago were like, "oh, Sister Dodson, what are you going to draw for us?" So apparently it is kind of my project. I am sooo excited. We will be doing it on Saturday so expect pictures on Facebook soon.  I am thrilled to be able to use my talent to spread the gospel. I have been learning that that is the real reason I have it.  God gives us talents only for the use of the building up of his kingdom. I am so grateful for my gift, and for the support of people! My temple drawing has gone viral on Facebook. TONS of missionaries shared it, as well as many people from home! It is a blessing from God.  I am just grateful to be an instrument in His hands.

So a couple funny stories from this week: first I have learned that it is always better to stretch at home after working out at the gym... New York is scary. Luckily because we have been wearing big puffy coats and glasses we don't get cat called as much! The other day we were walking past a man with an electric wheelchair. When he drove past he almost ran over Sister Lancaster, and they had an awkward moment of yelling sorry at each other. Afterwords, as he's driving away he says, "Don't worry, I'll give you a ride next time!" I was laughing so hard.

Also this week I may have had a Marilyn Monroe moment! It has been super windy. We wear big coats, jackets, tights, glasses, etc. the glasses are awesome. The wind chill is terrible here and I don't like it when my eyes just water and water, so we got glasses to lock the cold wind! They have helped tons. Also we need them to protect your eyes from the poop, trash, and Dirt that gets blown into your eyes. Anyways we had dinner at a members house with a couple elders. I was wearing my orange skirt, my green coat, boots, but no tights (it was 68 degrees that day. November 18, and 68 degrees,). Anyways right when we walk outside,  a huge gust of wind comes up and blows my skirt up in the air! I am standing right next to an elder, with sister Lancaster and the other elder barely in front of me! Luckily I don't think the elders saw anything! Hahaha.

We have been focusing on members this week, and so far have four dinner appointments lined up this week! That is pretty exciting. Member missionary work is what creates lasting and strong conversions. Members are the key! So I would encourage you to continue looking for people to help convert. Everybody needs a good friend in the Church.

Love you guys so much! Thank you for all!

Love you!!!

Sister Dodson

Thursday, November 14, 2013

She's Alive!!!!

Sadie is doing well, and loving being a missionary! We apologize for the delays in getting her emails up--we are still trying to figure out how who is going to post what. Anyways....her ya go!

Hola Family!

My whole entire district is staying this cycle!!! WHOOOO! I am soooo excited about that.  Because I LOVE my district.  They are all amazing!  We actually only had 4 people change in our zone.  But we opened up 2 new Sisters areas.  The english ward now has 14 missionaries.  That's in same!!!  We got 9 new missionaries to the area today.  Isn't that insane?  The day when sister and elders are half and half might be coming soon.  I don't know how I feel about that.  weird, right?!  Anyways, tomorrow we get IPADS!!!! I am sooo excited!  It is going to be so much fun and awesome.  I realized here that I hadn't seen any Mormon Messages... So it's going to be nice to be able to have them on my Ipad and watch them so that we can share them!  

So it is going to work like this.  I am going to an ipad for me.  So I will keep the same Ipad for my whole mission.  As in it is MINE.  Cool right?!  So after we get Ipads we are going to go buy cases.  Because I need a heck of a case.  If you break it you have to pay $300 for a new one.  And I don't want that.  Anyway I am spoiled.

I finally bought boots today!!! Thank goodness because it was getting cold! I am super excited.  Also I am so excited to still be with Sister Lancaster and to still be in the city.  CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY!!! BOOOYA!  I have convinced Sister Lancaster to go down to the city and ice skate at Rockefeller with me.  Because that is my only dream in life.  True story.

Language is not too bad.  I feel blessed to speak Spanish.  I need to speak more though... Basically we only speak it in lessons... President called us to repentance today.  He does that a lot.  I think his favorite thing to do is call people to repentance.  But hey, that's why we love him!

Nothing too much happened this week except a mouse ate my stinking Doritos.  

Also here is a tip for anybody going to serve a mission.  Please share this one because it is legit.
Have at least 15 pairs of underwear.  Enough for at least two weeks.  Especially now because it is freezing and we don't sweat at all I never need to wash my clothes, but I have to do laundry every week because I need clean undies.  Laundry is expensive and takes a ton of time.  So it is better to have enough undies for two weeks to do laundry every other week.  

Hermana Lancaster is having migraines and this morning was terrible.  She has told me she has never felt so tired as she has since we became companions.... I am worried I am wearing her out!  

Look for me to post my latest artwork!  It's pretty cool and I'm excited to share it with people!  I want people to see my drawing and want to go there….


Also, here are some pictures that our cute friend, Jen, took when she visited Sadie in the city!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

STILL carrying that banner!

Hey ya'll!
I am still serving in the New York, New York North Mission, and still loving every minute of it! In addition to proselyting on the streets of NYC, I will also now be proselyting online. This means I can use Skype, Facebook, and Blogs as means of sharing the gospel! 

In order to uphold my new calling, I will be readjusting my blog a little bit to help spread the Gospel more.  Hopefully renovations will be complete within the next week :).  In the meantime, feel free to Facebook stalk me, email me at, and keep checking back in for updates!

Through this great opportunity we can assist in the spreading of the true message of the Restored Gospel to the whole earth, allowing for every heart and soul to be made whole and rejoice in our Savior.

Love you all!
Sister Dodson

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Checking In

Sadie will be posting herself on the blog starting this stay tuned! For those of you that mosey over here from Facebook, I will make sure she knows to post when she puts up a new blog post.

Thank you for your patience!