Hola Family!
My whole entire district is staying this cycle!!! WHOOOO! I am soooo excited about that. Because I LOVE my district. They are all amazing! We actually only had 4 people change in our zone. But we opened up 2 new Sisters areas. The english ward now has 14 missionaries. That's in same!!! We got 9 new missionaries to the area today. Isn't that insane? The day when sister and elders are half and half might be coming soon. I don't know how I feel about that. weird, right?! Anyways, tomorrow we get IPADS!!!! I am sooo excited! It is going to be so much fun and awesome. I realized here that I hadn't seen any Mormon Messages... So it's going to be nice to be able to have them on my Ipad and watch them so that we can share them!
So it is going to work like this. I am going to an ipad for me. So I will keep the same Ipad for my whole mission. As in it is MINE. Cool right?! So after we get Ipads we are going to go buy cases. Because I need a heck of a case. If you break it you have to pay $300 for a new one. And I don't want that. Anyway I am spoiled.
I finally bought boots today!!! Thank goodness because it was getting cold! I am super excited. Also I am so excited to still be with Sister Lancaster and to still be in the city. CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY!!! BOOOYA! I have convinced Sister Lancaster to go down to the city and ice skate at Rockefeller with me. Because that is my only dream in life. True story.
Language is not too bad. I feel blessed to speak Spanish. I need to speak more though... Basically we only speak it in lessons... President called us to repentance today. He does that a lot. I think his favorite thing to do is call people to repentance. But hey, that's why we love him!
Nothing too much happened this week except a mouse ate my stinking Doritos.
Also here is a tip for anybody going to serve a mission. Please share this one because it is legit.
Have at least 15 pairs of underwear. Enough for at least two weeks. Especially now because it is freezing and we don't sweat at all I never need to wash my clothes, but I have to do laundry every week because I need clean undies. Laundry is expensive and takes a ton of time. So it is better to have enough undies for two weeks to do laundry every other week.
Hermana Lancaster is having migraines and this morning was terrible. She has told me she has never felt so tired as she has since we became companions.... I am worried I am wearing her out!
Look for me to post my latest artwork! It's pretty cool and I'm excited to share it with people! I want people to see my drawing and want to go there….
Also, here are some pictures that our cute friend, Jen, took when she visited Sadie in the city!
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